Wir haben unseren Hosted Unifi-Controller auf die aktuelle Version 8.4.62 aktualisiert. Unsere Kunden müssen nichts weiter beachten.
Dieses mal wurde auch wieder ein paar kleinere Fehler behoben:
- Improved custom DNS Shield server validation.
- Fixed the inability to update settings after upgrading to 8.4.59 on setups that have IGMP Proxy settings but don't have a gateway that supports IGMP Proxy.
- Fixed gateway configuration issues when assigning a Port Profile with disabled ports to UniFi Gateways.
- Fixed an issue where System Logs could show incomplete navigation tabs on smaller screens.
- Fixed an issue where devices wouldn't always show the Getting Ready state while it's in such state.
- Fixed the inability to delete VLANs from VLAN Magic in rare cases.
- Fixed the inability to open the NAT settings in rare cases.
Quelle und weitere Informationen: https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-Network-Application-8-4-62/40240312-bb43-4648-adab-5b05f3d4354e